“Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated.” – Johnny Cash — true and not true?
I saw a post with this quote and had an intuitive insight. In this basic energy vibration, it is true. But what about the other vibrations? If you shift the energy, level up the energy, what can you get then? It depends on you what you get, so it’s better to think about your vibration. What vibration dimension are you getting? Just look at your situation and you will know it.
No, not like that. See and accept the authentic you, not all these masks that you wear every day. One for every situation. Are you being unkind to yourself by hiding in this way? Actually, it doesn’t matter if you are popular, have a small group of people around you, or are alone, as long as you are in harmony with yourself.
Most people are not. Being in harmony and balance within yourself is a vibration/condition that feels amazing. It’s a way to see through. Be the navigator of your life. If a lower vibration comes along, and you don’t get “scared,” then you can handle it. To be in balance with it is interesting to see how it works and what it can teach you about yourself. You can easily navigate through it. In the end, this energy will flow away from you because the vibration doesn’t match. Really easy, right?

The emotions are the key to staying in balance. Let them be, notice them… Ah, there is this grumpy emotion again. Nice to meet you and goodbye. No place for you in my space. I choose the space of harmony and balance for me. Can you imagine the power of this? Imagine how you will feel? Find your own way. No one can teach you that. Only you are the master of your space. How well do you master it?
You know yourself the best, and if you are true to yourself. You deserve your own kindness first. Otherwise, why are you such a harsh master to yourself? Isn’t that simple? If you need to search the environment for answers and help, be careful. Believe in yourself, only you, and make your own thoughts about it in a healthy way. Find the answer within inside you.
I hope you find some inspiration here to take a step towards being more yourself in this world that we created together. Start creating a higher vibration for yourself and the environment around you. Step through! Step through all the resistances that are holding you back and gain more clarity. There is nothing to lose, only gain. We all deserve the best.
Level up your mindset. It is waiting for you to wake up. What do you see around you? See that everyone is unique and all so busy with themselves? Busy handling situations – oh, it seems busy with other people’s situations too, but in fact, only busy with themselves. Busy avoiding themselves and focusing on others, not willing to see their own situation. Hehe, like everything is fine with me. Don’t look too closely and destroy my illusions, which helps me to cover my truth.
I see. I won’t disturb you. If you needed it to survive, that’s fine. You decide. Every time is the best time to start. Don’t wait. If you can accept it, start right now to live a life that you love. You deserve it.

Yesterday I had a challenge. I observed it and decided to just feel it and let it be. I am. Just see the depth of these emotions and let them go every time they show up. Release and see.
This is the way I heal myself. Since I realized that feelings are only an impression of looking at a vibration/area that needs nourishment and care, it is easier to handle them. I see how hard I was on myself, more than with others. There is a point to see that I deserve to be good to myself. Support me. And what about you? Can you see your own value?
Enjoy your life. Stop looking at others. You deserve it too. You deserve what you can imagine for yourself and more if you open up to a higher vibration. Then it will grow too. Grow with you.
I wish you all the best. Be a visionary. If you need more courage, strength, flexibility, or “suibian” (whatever)… Work on it! It is so easy to use sounds to raise your vibration and see what new possibilities will open up for you. Everything is possible if it fits you and your vibration. Listening to mantras and healing sounds is my way. It calms me down and grounds me. After a while, I saw the results of this. My life is starting to flow more and more smoothly, and things are getting easier. I love it!